
Living an Organized Life in an Independent Contracting Company

When life  or business life inside an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company gets busy or if we are faced with new situations we can sometimes forget to accomplish “the basics.”  I’m now in the middle of accomplishing “the basic” of organization.  It sounds simple enough but it can be challenging and time consuming.  Yet when we take time to cover “the basic” of organization, we save ourselves time and headaches in the long run.  Organization takes more time on the frontend than on the backend.  If we discipline ourselves to organize in our personal life and independent contracting company life before we have a load of items on our desk and on our mind we will thank ourselves on the busiest of days when we can successfully find the “needle in the haystack” in record time!

I quickly felt the importance of organization when I got married in June and brought my massive amount of stuff to my husband’s house.  When we got finished moving in everything it looked like a hurricane had ripped through the house!  It took me several weeks to get things settled and put away; but when I did, everything felt like home.

I think that this same sentiment of satisfaction and belonging can occur in relation to our careers, our businesses, and client interactions inside an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company if we “S.E.T.” ourselves up for success by taking time to get specific areas organized.  I’m in the process of organizing files in my office and files in my computer but I must say that I’m already beginning to have a sense of accomplishment simply because I’ve taken some time to simplify my life through organization.

Organization gives us a sense of security (confidence and preparation) and it allows us to build trust, respect, and value with our clients in our independent contracting company (service excellence).   Organization is a vital aspect of the evaluate and prepare stages of E.P.A Process (Evaluate, Prepare, Achieve).  With taking adequate time to organize and hewn our organizational skills we “S.E.T.” ourselves up for confidence, peace-of-mind, and triumph!

How do you get organized? What are some of “the basics” that you find valuable? If you find yourself struggling with organization in your HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company and you want to get expert training, we can help!  We have two programs: the Accountability Program and the Business Coach Program. Learn more about these beneficial programs under the Services Tab on our website.

-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training.

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