
Larry Riggins Testimonial

What big idea will you and your team take from this training series:

“Implement and practice Service Tech introduction and evaluation process.”


Submitted in class – 12/5/12

Larry Riggins is the Vice President of a Home Energy Service Company called Washington Energy Services located in Seattle, WA.  He provides the Service Excellence Training team with a wonderful video testimonial about his experience at Service Excellence Training’s classroom training event. Growing both the sales and service aspects of an Home Energy, HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company is important to overall growth and success. Larry Riggins with thoroughly pleased with Terry Barrett’s ability to train on improving the service department of an service company, growing add-on sales, and delivering better customer satisfactions skills.

Larry Riggins and his technicians are excited to go back to their independent contracting company with many new training tools including, “delivering a better relationship between their company and customers.”  Here at Service Excellence Training, we can’t wait for you and your team to attend one of our training events and say what, independent contractor, Larry Riggins said at the end of his experience, “it was more than well worth my time!”

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In the written statements below, Larry Riggins eloquently answers the question “Why should I use Service Excellence Training to train my team?” for HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Sales, Service, CSR, and Dispatcher Training.  In these statements, he also explain what big idea he and his team will take from their experience at the training series as well as what they liked most about their training experience.

What big idea will you and your team take from this training series:

“Implement and practice Service Tech introduction and evaluation process.”

What did you like most about this training series:

“Direct examples that work supported with scripts, role play, and infront of the customer.”

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