
Independent Contractors Catching Service Excellence while Chasing Perfection

Becoming the best independent contracting company possible requires dedication to and pursuit of attributes that make a superior HVAC, plumbing, or electrical service company.  No one that simply thinks, “we’ll do our best but we may not succeed” ever goes very far or reaches the pinnacle of service excellence.  Vince Lombardi, the great American Football Coach of the Green Bay Packers, eloquently summed up the high expectations he had for his team when he said, “Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good.” In today’s blog we are going to dive into this great quote and explore how independent contractors can use this mindset to “catch excellence while chasing perfection”:

-Being the best requires planning and preparation in the ‘direction of perfection.’

“…Relentlessly chase perfection…”

Just as mentioned in Lombari’s quote, no human plans will ever be perfect but there is nothing wrong with uncompromisingly pursing perfection in every facet inside your service company.  Chasing perfection inside an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical service company can come in several forms such as; creating company nonnegotiable action steps, developing a strong mission statement, as well as making solid promises to deliver amazing service excellence.  Creating plans in the ‘direction of perfection’ lays the foundation for a strong independent contracting company.  Without a foundation of service excellence inside a company, a team has no goals or objectives to pursue to their highest potential.  Yet when these foundations are strongly established all members of a company team can have confidence as they press on to “relentlessly chase perfection.”    

-Following through with plans created in the ‘direction of perfection’ results in excellence.-

“…In the process we will catch excellence.”

After a strong foundation has been established with plans created in the ‘direction of perfection’ then comes the time for a company team to carry out their game-plan.  This step is action-oriented, team-oriented, and client-oriented because in order to “chase perfection” a company team must use their trained skills in service excellence, sales, and maintenance to measure the success of their foundational plans.  When a team thoroughly, completely, and carefully follows through with their company’s perfection-oriented plans then they are sure to “catch excellence” while in the process of “chasing perfection.”

-Going above and beyond the industry standard requires going from ‘average’ to ‘first-rate.’-

“I am not remotely interested in just being good.”

Along with both creating a plan of action and carrying it out, there has to be a united team mindset that revolves around providing service and products that are above and beyond the industry standard.  This step requires both training of a team’s skills and knowledge as well as training of the team’s mindset.  Independent contractors should not even be remotely interested in being an average company because clients and potential clients don’t remember ‘the average’ but they do remember and refer ‘the excellent!’  Placing emphasis and focus on becoming a company of first-rate excellence is an important step in the direction of independent contracting company success.

When an independent contracting company strive to be the best in every aspect of their daily systems and processes then they will “catch excellence while chasing perfection.”  HVAC, plumbing, and electrical independent contractors can take great lessons away from the quote we’ve explore today by Vince Lombari, three of these important lessons being; learning the importance of creating plans in the ‘direction of perfection’, understanding the significance of effectively carrying out these created plans as a team, as well as learning the importance of embracing a company mindset that is only interested in attaining excellence. We love working with independent contractors to help them grow and develop their companies around amazing service excellence.  Thank you for following our weekly blog.  Here at Service Excellence Training, we turn learning into earning!

-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training.

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