
I Can’t Afford That!

Woman stressing over finances

In the home services industry, Service Excellence Training performs important work for our customers. Whether it’s HVAC, plumbing, electrical or others, our trade skills keep homes running smoothly all year round. BUT this doesn’t mean that homeowners will automatically accept your recommendation every time.

From the homeowner’s point of view, every technician or salesperson could be trying to sell them something they don’t need. That’s why objections pop up frequently during the sales process. There are 5 sales objections that professional salespeople face time and again:

  • I can’t afford it!
  • Your price is way too expensive!
  • Let me talk to my spouse.
  • I will need to get 3 bids.
  • Let me think about it.

These objections are as old as time. The good news is that a well-trained Service Technician or Salesperson can easily overcome these objections with the right tools for success.

Couple discussing finances

Steps To Handle The “I can’t afford that!” Objection

It’s pretty common to get to the end of your sales process and face the customer’s shock and reluctance to invest in costly repairs or replacements. While it might be commonplace for you to see these numbers and understand the value of the systems you’re recommending, not all homeowners are convinced. The following steps will help you navigate the communication after a customer tells you they can’t afford your services.

Empathize and Confirm

When a client objects to the cost of a service, show that you understand where they’re coming from. You never want to alienate the homeowner at this point, so you need to communicate on their level and understand their concern for the expense. Reiterate why their home would benefit from your services, and confirm that they believe these options are the best choice for their situation. Repeat any answers and field additional concerns that may come up at this point.

Utilize Your Closers

Below is a list of three different closers for overcoming this affordability objection. You may need to only use one of the closers, or you may need to use several.

The Options Close

Walk your client through a list of services, items or installations that you’ve created during your walk-through or inspection. Clarify with your client that those are the items or services they’re interested in receiving. You may need to work together to prioritize the items depending on the client’s budget.

By working with transparency and flexibility that gives the client more control, you’re building a relationship with your client. This allows an opportunity in the future for you to return and complete all of the listed services when the customer can afford them.

The Finance Close

For qualifying customers, financing options may make it possible for them to invest in everything on their service or installation to-do list. They can take advantage of your top-quality services, receive the item, repair or installation they need and spread out their payments over time.

This closer checks all the boxes — you overcome the objection, get the sale and the customer is satisfied.

The Service Agreement Close

The Service Agreement close allows you to offer everything on your list and still make it more affordable for the client. This requires that you have a Service Agreement Program — a.k.a. a Club Membership.

Often, Service Agreement Programs can allow clients to take advantage of discounted rates and preventative maintenance services. Take your time explaining how this is the best-of-both-worlds option for your client. They can benefit from the best price and gain peace of mind for future services.

Putting These Skills To Use

When you start using these techniques in the field, you’ll be surprised by the increased success you have with your clients’ objections. The more you practice and refine these steps, the smoother your communication will be!

Did you know that the absolute best way to learn is to practice a new technique in the presence of experts? When you practice in the presence of experts, you get the following benefits:

  • Clear direction and instruction
  • Confidence from practice
  • Instant feedback
  • Training that comes alive in the moments you need it most — the field

If you’re interested in these benefits and more, then attend our next PRESS PLAY Training Series for Sales or Techs.

Let's put these Tips to good use

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