
Michael Swann Testimonials

What big idea will you and your team take from this training series:

“Reading client’s personalities for a better approach”.


Submitted in class – September 12, 2012

Michael Swann is a technician for an HVAC Independent Contracting Company called Freedom Heating & Cooling located in Bessemer, AL.  Michael Swann provided the Service Excellence Training team with a testimonial about this experience at Service Excellence Training’s classroom training event.  When it comes to engaging with clients and building rapport, it is so important that technicians learn about the details of personality types to ensure they can connect with their clients more effectively.  This is exactly what HVAC technician, Michael Swann, gained from his experience at this training series.  Along with gaining a greater understanding of the diverse range of personality types, Michael also explained that he learned more effective communication skills as well as basic mannerisms that he can implement to help grow his professionalism, rapport, and service excellence.

Here at Service Excellence Training, we want all of our independent contractors to take these same skills and positive encouragement from our training series back to their independent contracting teams.  We know that when our independent contractors are encouraged, engaged, and inspired then they can pass these skills and mindsets on to other vital team members inside their independent contracting company.

Michael Swann also provided the Service Excellence Training team with thoughtful written answers describing the big idea that he will take from this training event, what he liked most about the training series, as well as answer the question “Why should I use Service Excellence Training to train my team?” for HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Sales, Service, CSR, and Dispatcher Training.

What big idea will you and your team take from this training series:

“Reading client’s personalities for a better approach”.

What did you like most about this training series:

“Terry & Todd made the subject matter real simple to understand.”

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