
How to work through setbacks

how to work through setbacks

I’m going through some setbacks right now.  3 injuries are causing limitations in my personal goals for health.  This is really frustrating for me. I have worked all year to accomplish some big health goals, and now that I’m close, I get injured.  Has this ever happened to you?

Maybe this has happened in your business, or finances, or family.

It is really easy to let frustration overtake you, and become depressed.  However, I want to share something important with you – This is just a season in life, and it will pass!

Soon, you will be back on your quest of personal and professional growth.

There is also an abundance of value in setbacks, if you know how to discover the value.  Here are a few of the lessons that setbacks are teaching me in this season of life.

Question:  What setbacks are you working through?  What lessons have your learned?  Please comment and share on  and .

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