
How to Protect the Health of Your Employees from COVID-19

Strategies To Prevent Employees From Getting Sick

Now more than ever, it is important to advise your staff to be cognizant of their health. There are a number of steps you and your employees can take to help “flatten the curve” and ease customer’s anxieties surrounding COVID-19. Understanding how viruses spread and what common habits people share that can be reduced or avoided is the first step. A recent study shows that the average person touches their face over 100 times per day and one of the most common ways that people contract viruses is through the nose and eyes. By wearing protective glasses, people will be more aware of the habit of touching their eyes, which will help reduce the number of times they do. Here’s a list of some important strategies to reduce the spread of the virus:
  • Wear Protective Glasses
  • Technicians should wear a fresh pair of gloves and floor savers for each job
  • Dispose of gloves and floor savers when they leave a job in a trash bag inside their vehicle
  • Keep a bottle of disinfectant on hand to sanitize areas such as the steering wheel, door handles, and surfaces where work is performed in a customer’s home (before AND after servicing)
  • Utilize no-contact transactions – get verbal agreements for services and obtain payment information without physical contact
  • Encourage employees to bring their lunch rather than picking up food from a restaurant
  • Advocate for employees to utilize delivery services for necessities
  • Advise staff to shower and put on clean clothes before interacting with their families when they get home

In addition to these precautions, equip your Call Service Representatives with information about the specific safety measures your company is taking to limit the spread of the virus. This will allow your CSR’s to communicate this to your customers to put them at ease when having their home serviced.

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What To Do If Someone Gets Sick

If someone in your family or workplace begins to show symptoms of being sick, they should be quarantined to a room with direct access to a restroom. They should not leave this room until all signs of illness have passed, which can be anywhere from five to ten days. If a sick person shows signs of breathing difficulty, they should be seen by a doctor. As a company, you have a unique opportunity to be an example to your employees by having meals or other necessities delivered to those affected among your staff.

Paid Time Off

If an employee does become ill and has no remaining Paid Time Off or Sick Leave available, they may request to be laid off. Many states have implemented a no-wait policy for unemployment benefits to assist those affected by COVID-19. Check your local state government website to get the most up-to-date information on this topic.

Be a leader, show your heart and let’s stay healthy so that we can take care of others.

For more strategies in navigating COVID-19, visit our blogs Weathering the Storm: COVID-19 and Marketing and Advertising Advice During COVID-19.

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