
How To Get A High Paying Job After Trade School

Electrician installing a ceiling fan

You started trade school with the end goal in mind: to start your career as a plumber, HVAC tech or electrician. However, you may have heard how difficult it is to find a job after graduation.

This news might shock you. After all, how can it be so hard to find a job in an industry that is short-handed by over 30,000 skilled service people? In this post, you’ll get the answers you need to get hired. Service Excellence is well-versed in the home services industry, so you can trust that we have the inside scoop on your future career!

Man repairing an ac system

A Graduation Certificate Is Not A Guarantee

First of all, graduating from a trade school does not mean you’re a qualified tradesperson. While you should be proud of your accomplishment, you need to realize that a graduation certificate doesn’t mean you’re ready to have your own service truck. A graduation certificate means that you put in the energy and effort to graduate from a particular trade school.

While it’s true that a skilled tradesman can earn a great living practicing their craft, you were probably not told that it takes time to get to those top levels. The first interview is often a shock for a new graduate. You may be expecting to be offered a dream job right on the spot. Instead, you’re offered an entry-level position making not much more than minimum wage.

Don’t be disappointed. Service Excellence Training is here to help you get to that high-paying job.

3 Keys To Increasing Your Hireability

Here’s what you need to know when you’re a new trade school graduate. For the sake of this article, we’ll focus on the Residential Plumbing, HVAC and Electrical Trades.

1. Secure An Internship

An internship is a perfect way to get you into your dream job by setting you up for success in the industry. You will learn hands-on skills that help you transition easily into full-time employment.

How To Get An Internship

  • Make a list of the top 5 service companies you’d like to work with.
  • Call each company and ask to speak to the service manager.
  • Then, say the following:
    Hello. My name is [your name]. I’ll be graduating from trade school in 6 months, and I’d like to volunteer my Saturdays to your company as an intern. I’m happy to work for free as I learn my trade. May I come in and visit with you?

This approach is rarely used in the trades, and that’s a shame. Few companies would say “no” to you. In fact, most companies will be really impressed that you cared enough to actually sharpen your skills while in school. This is, hands-down, your biggest secret to getting hired.

2. Your Background Check

A background check is just a fact of getting hired in the residential service trades. While it’s unavoidable, don’t let a background check stop you from applying for your dream job. The majority of red flags sent up by background checks involve discrepancies in employment dates and other common resume mistakes.
Some graduates assume that one red flag on their background check will immediately disqualify them from getting that job. In actuality, a candidate has the right to dispute a claim if a background check reveals a criminal record. Here are two important things to do if you have a criminal record.

Don’t Hide It

Be clear on your application, as a background check will reveal your history eventually. Trust the process and know that a reputable business should give you the opportunity to dispute a claim.

Communicate With Your Potential Employer

If your offense isn’t relevant to the position you are applying for, your potential employer isn’t obligated to take it into account. Be upfront about your past and confident in the skills that qualify you for the job that you’re applying for.

3. Increase Your Sales Skills

Securing a trade job involves a similar skill set to being in sales. Your ability to sell yourself is a direct reflection of your ability to influence other people. Some people think of sales skills as something you are born with. In other words, you either have sales skills or you don’t.

Thank goodness this isn’t true. Sales skills are something that you learn. Your future employers are going to want you to have sales skills. You’ll be expected to fix the technical problems, and convince the homeowner to let you do it! In fact, customer services skills are arguably some of the most underrated skills you can have in this industry.

Obliterate The 5 Objections From Your Workweek

Your Dream Career Is Waiting

You deserve to have an amazing career as a tradesperson. The industry needs you, and there is so much opportunity waiting for you here. But you still have to do the work, learn the tricks of the trade and be open to learning. Use the 3 keys of Internship, Background Clearing and Sales Skills to go get your dream job!

To learn more about what it takes to be successful in the ever-changing home services industry, you need Service Excellence. We IGNITE THE POWER WITHIN!

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