WARNING RANT ABOUT TO OCCUR!! Some techs get confused about what kind of page Service Excellence Training is in the social media spaces. Some techs think that because I love Techs, and this Field, and want great things for everyone on here; that I must also accept their Bulls***** excuses.
Some techs think that I’m ok with them bad mouthing their companies, and techs from other companies.
Some techs think it’s ok to bash Flat Rate Companies and the Principles of Sales. Some techs think that all Sales People and Commission earners are crooks. >> RELATED: The PRESS PLAY for Sales Class
Allow me to create clarity, and Rant for a Hot Minute
If you are here to learn, you’re welcomed to stay.
If you are here to improve your life, and the lives of others, then you are in the right place.
If you respect all hard working techs and sales pros, no matter if they are T&M or FR, then you’re in the right place.
If you want to learn how to be a great communicator, and that also means sales;
If you want to master persuasion and influence;
Learn a Service and Sales System;
Make Big Money!
Buy A Home!!
Send Your Kids to College!!! (Or to trade school)
Retire with Money in the Bank.
then you’re in the right place.
If that’s not you, then leave. Don’t come back until you are ready to Turn Learning into Earning.
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