
Classroom Training brings Success for Independent Contractors

Training is always a vital aspect of growth inside an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company. Success, confidence, and unity comes when an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company plans training sessions and events into their calendar. While all types of training are important to success inside an independent contracting company, it is important to remember the gratifying and successful learning benefits that come to team members that attend group training in a classroom setting. In our post today, we are going to explore the three main learning styles and how classroom training effectively targets each learning style in order to bring success and learning to each individual in a group training session:

-Group training hits all the main styles of learning- Each team member inside an independent contracting company has a way in which he or she learns most effectively. These different forms of learning can be referred to as our individual learning style. In group training or a classroom training session, all of these different styles are touched on through unique training techniques, thus helping learning occur successfully across the board for each student:

  • The Auditory Learning Style: Some independent contracting company team members may learn best through hearing information recited to them, this is called auditory learning. When an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company team trains in a classroom setting with a group, auditory learning is the learning style that will, most likely, occur first. This comes when an expert trainer explains and verbally teaches the training material. Many times, auditory learners also like to restate information in their own words back to the trainer or get questions answered verbally; because hearing information, whether from others or themselves, is key in their unique learning process.
  • The Visual Learning Style: Some independent contracting company team members may learn most successfully through seeing information, diagrams, charts, or pictures, this is called visual learning. Within a group training session with team members from HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting companies, the visual learning aspect occurs when a trainer hands out the training manual or worksheets, presents a PowerPoint presentation or writes material on the board. Visual learners also learn most successfully when they are able to restate information in their own words by writing it down. Training manuals are a lifesaver for visual learners because it gives them the ability to refresh and review training material through their optimal learning style anytime and anywhere.
  • The Kinesthetic Learning Style: Other independent contracting company team members may prefer learning by doing; this is called kinesthetic or “hands-on” learning. Kinesthetic learning is, in a sense, a combination of the visual and auditory learning styles. A kinesthetic learner learns most successfully when he sees and hears himself engaging in the training material and the learning process. A big plus within a group training session for “hands-on” learners is roleplaying. While hearing the material taught and writing points from the training session down are part of the process for kinesthetic learners, they really don’t make a learning connection until they have an opportunity to act out, teach, or experience the training material in action. Roleplaying helps kinesthetic learners interact as they would in a real life setting with clients or coworkers thus helping the kinesthetic learner make the learning connection in a more smooth and natural manner.

The beauty of group training and classroom training for HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company teams revolves around the many unique avenues of learning. When an independent contracting company team member is allowed to learn freely within his or her learning style while interacting with other learners then training material is more successfully learned as well as embedded into the long term memory. Success for an independent contracting company in a group or classroom training session works because it meets the unique learning needs of each independent contracting company team member.

Classroom training in a group setting works to grow the success of an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company.  When we train with long term independent contracting company team success in mind then we will consider the unique learning needs of each independent contracting company team member.  Here at Service Excellence Training, we love helping independent contracting company team members successfully learn in the ways that fit them best and leads to long term retention within a comfortable and interactive classroom training setting.  Because the entire Service Excellence Training team is devoted to helping your independent contracting company team, we work to turn your learning into earning!

-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training.

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