During this Thanksgiving season, it is so important to remember and to be thankful for the components that work to make an independent contracting company function at its best. When we take time to step back and count our blessings then we can clear our minds and gain a sharper vision for the future of our team and our HVAC, plumbing, or electrical company. In our post today, we are going to take time to explore the blessings inside of our business experience as well as the people and components that help our companies flourish:
-Be Thankful for Team Members-
Growing a strong company team is an essential aspect of business growth and stability. When we retain and recruit honest, loyal, and passionate coworkers then it is a major area that we can be thankful for. Team members that feel appreciated for their hard work will be coworkers that grow into future team leaders and mentors that can pass on the company mission and values. The first area of thanksgiving inside an independent contracting company should revolve around the important area of team structure.
-Be Thankful for Clients-
Along with a strong spirit of thanks and appreciation for your company team, there should come thanksgiving for company clients– both new and lifelong. When independent contractors count their clients as blessing then they can learn to see their company service and growth from their clients’ perspective and be better equipped to meet their needs. Companies with loyal clients that love the service so much that they refer friends and family to your business are true assets to the your company’s growth and visibility. Don’t forget to show your appreciation and thanks to all of your clients through consistently providing great service excellence and continually building company-client relationships.
-Be Thankful for Company Supporters-
Great companies function at their peak when they have a backing of strong supporters that consist of business connections, networks, family members, friends, and community supporters. At times, it can be easy to miss the need for the positive support and aid of family members and business supporters but in all actuality it can be the support of these groups of people that can get us mentality prepared for our day-to-day business tasks and bring fresh motivation to our minds. Remember to give thanks for these people and organizations in our personal life and business world.
This is such a special time of year to remember and reminisce on the areas that bring blessings and joy to our service companies. In our Thanksgiving post today, we discovered three of the most important areas of business blessings: team members, clients, and business supporters. Here at S.E.T., we would like to wish you, your team, and your family a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Day! Thank you for following our weekly post. Here at Service Excellence Training, we turn learning into earning!
-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training