
Exploring a Social Marketing Master Mind

At every program an owner will ask me, “Can you teach me how to do what you do on Social Media?” Most of the time, I offer a rough outline, and give my advice.

Then the owner says, “Can I pay you to teach me?” I thank the owner for thinking so highly of my social media marketing, and politely decline.

As in the past, it happened again. Owners are asking me to teach them how I go to Market with Social Media.

Tim Wright of Crossway Mechanical was very persuasive. As a matter of fact, he wouldn’t take a polite decline as an answer.

So, I’ve decided to “Explore” the idea. I willing to brain storm with you to discover if this is something that will be of value to you, and return a result for you and SET.

On Monday, the 13th, I will hold an Exploration Webinar. The goal is to determine the following:

  1. What do HVAC Business Owners want out of their Social Media Accounts?
  2. Who is interested in participating in a 10 Company Master Mind for Social Media Marketing?
  3. When will the program kick off? (If we decide to launch it.)

If you want to learn more about the Exploration Webinar, then:

CLICK HERE to Register for Exploring a Social Marketing Master Mind

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