As a business owner, manager, CSR, or Dispatcher you know what Key Results Areas are. You track them often, at least for your producers in the field. My question is, do you track them for your call takers as well?
Most companies don’t. Only a few track metrics like call booking percentage. What they don’t track is True Call Booking Percentage. Which includes the difference in new clients, existing clients, and lead source.
For example: let’s look at the Key Results Areas for a technician.
- True Average Ticket
- Average ticket on repair
- Average ticket on maintenance
- Lead turn over
- Club conversion
- Etc.
What do you measure for your CSR? Take a moment and think about the accountability program you currently have for your CSRs.
Do you have any?
Here is what SET recommends for CSR Key Results Areas
- True Call Booking percentage:
- New clients
- Existing clients
- Pay Per Click calls
- Direct response calls
- Email capture
- Data Correctness
These metrics are important. They tie directly into cutting your marketing cost, increasing top-line revenue, and increasing client satisfaction.
Why KRAs for CSRs matter:
Low booking rates do not mean that your CSRs are failing. It could be a symptom of a different issue. Just like your field producers performing a diagnostic, KRAs for CSRs will help your business run more efficiently.
For Example:If your CSRs are not booking Direct Response calls, maybe the message in the mailer is flawed. If your Pay Per Click calls are not converting, it could indicate a flaw in the campaign.
The point is, if you do not track CSR results you don’t know how they are performing.
Accountability programs for CSRs will provide a clear target for your customer service team. It will also help to identify strengths and weaknesses.
Free Tool:
I have created a Call Tracking Tool that you can download for free. This Call Tracking Tool is built in excel, and you can download it now. Just complete the form below:
GET INSTANT ACCESS to the Call Tracker and Training Video
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The video will show you the features of the call tracking tool and how to use it
The SET Call Tracker tool is a free download that will help your team track many of these metrics. Not only will it give you a pulse on where your team is now, it will also show you improvement or decline over time.
This information will let you know where your true strengths and weakness are with your CSRs.