What big idea will you and your team take away from this Training Series:
“DISC Personality Profiles.”
submitted in class – 3/20/13
David Havelka is an owner for a Plumbing Independent Contracting Company called Royal Plumbing located in Portland, TX. David Havelka was kind enough to provide the wonderful video testimonial from above about his experience at Service Excellence Training’s classroom training event. This is what owner, David Havelka, had to say about his experience as an owner at the training series,
“It is a phenomenal training class, I would advise it to anyone. The one thing that I’ve really captured from this class, it’s all been fantastic, but it is the DISC personality profiles. That is something that I’m going to take back to my business and implement right away. I highly recommend this class to anyone who is looking for additional training for technicians, managers, and owners.”
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This classroom training event fueled excitement and learning inside owners, managers, and technicians. Here at Service Excellence Training we love hearing this kind of enthusiasm and motivation from our independent contractors, like David from Royal Plumbing. When we see this type of growth and development in our owners like David, it sparks the Service Excellence Training team to work harder daily to bring you the best independent contractor training series around and help you turn your learning into earning!
Royal Plumbing Owner, David Havelka also provided the Service Excellence Training team with insightful written answers about his experience at the training series. These statements will explain the big idea that David will take with him from the Archi-TECH training series, the aspect that he liked most about the training series, and they will answer why he believes that other HVAC, plumbing, and electrical independent contractors should use Service Excellence Training to train their team and what big ideas as well as enticing aspects other independent contractors will get from attending, one of Service Excellence Training’s classroom training events:
What big idea will you and your team take away from this Training Series:
“DISC Personality Profiles.”
What did you like most about this Training Series:
“The subject matter, the energy and passion the trainers give.”