
Celebrating life’s special moments

celebrating life's special moments

Special moments deserve to be celebrated.  My pastor, Randy Phillips, refers to life’s special moments as “frame worthy events.”  The last couple of weeks have held some very special moments for the SET family, and I’m going to share those with you in the “frame” of this blog post.  I’m also going to share with you a short lesson on the power of celebrating life’s special moments.

Do you remember when you graduated and everyone clapped for you?  That was a special moment.  It made you feel amazing!  This is one of the reasons we need to celebrate.

Reasons to Celebrate Life’s Special Moments

  1. Public Recognition is a powerful motivator.
  2. Our memory fades.  Frames last forever.
  3. People need to know that you care about their life and accomplishments.
  4. Captured moments lift our spirits when we are low.

I hope that you will enjoy a few of these special moments from the lives of our SET Family.

Terry and Stacy Barrett – Graduation

Terry and Stacy have 2 girls graduating from High School this year!  Heavenly Barrett and Madison Barrett.  Heavenly entered their family through the loving act of adoption.  Madison entered the family the good ole’ fashioned way.


Congrats ladies!  May your lives be full of amazing frame worthy moments!!!!

The Dougherty Family – New Home

Thomas and Stefanie Dougherty, along with daughters Emily and Kendall, have a new home!  New homes are so much fun, and full of family firsts.  We just couldn’t be happier for the Doughertys as they begin a new stage with a new home.


Congrats Doughertys!  May your new home be blessed and full of frame worthy moments!!!!

Chris Loudermilk – Record Breaking Blog Post

Chris wrote a blog post on Friday that broke all of our Social Media shares records by the weekend.  As of this morning, he has over 470 total social shares.  His post has also been read online by over 2,000 unique readers.   I’m super happy, and a little jealous ;-).  READ – Is the owner getting rich?


Congrats Chris!  May this be the first of many frame worthy moments with the SET family.

The Liles Family – 1st Birthday and 60th Birthday

My son will be turning 1 year old in May, and my mom will be turning 60 in May!  We love them both so much!  It is like Everett has always been with us, and it has only been a year.  My Mom, Donna Jackson, is bravely fighting cancer, and serving God.  We are just so much in love with them both!  They are a true blessing.


Congrats Eman and Mommy!  May this be the first of many shared birthday celebrations!

Question:  How do you celebrate life’s “frame worthy” moments?  Share on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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