What big idea will you and your team take away from this Training Series:
“Building more value to everything I do.”
submitted in class – 5/1/13
Caleb Preuett, is an HVAC technician for an HVAC Independent Contracting Company called Southern Air located in Ball, LA. Caleb Preuett was kind enough to provide the wonderful video testimonial from above about his experience as a technician at Service Excellence Training’s classroom training event. All great technicians know the importance of exciting training sessions and the importance of information that will help grow their career. This is what Caleb had to say after this experience at the training series,
“This class is really great! Terry keeps it very interesting and you’re never bored. Really if you care about your job and you want to make a lot more money, you’ll enjoy this class.”
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The entire Service Excellence Training team loves to hear technicians get excited and motivated about their careers and growing their service excellence skills. Here at Service Excellence Training, we love helping CSRs, dispatchers, technicians, managers, and owners turn their learning into earning!
HVAC technician, Caleb Preuett also provided Service Excellence Training with insightful written answers about his experience at the training series. These statements will explain the big idea that Caleb will take from this training series, the aspect that he liked most about this training series, as answer why he believes that other HVAC, plumbing, and electrical independent contractors should use Service Excellence Training to train their team and what big ideas as well as enticing aspects other independent contractors will get from attending, one of Service Excellence Training’s classroom training events:
What big idea will you and your team take away from this Training Series:
“Building more value to everything I do.”
What did you like most about this Training Series:
“Learning ways around objections and how to build value.“