Increasing Sales With Add-On Power – Tips For Electricians

As CSRs, you have the privilege and the responsibility to set the tone for how a client feels about the company you work for and represent. What first impression are you giving your clients?Often as CSRs, we lose focus on the importance of the first 30 seconds of the call. The Service Excellence team has proven that tremendous growth for your HVAC company can be achieved simply by focusing on those few seconds. Here are three key things you can do as a CSR to make sure you are winning in the first 30 seconds and making the best first impression possible every holding a gray office phone receiver while dialing a number at his desk

1. Speak Clearly

It’s easy to run through a greeting that you’ve given hundreds of times before, but it’s important to be mindful of how quickly you’re talking. If you have to frequently repeat yourself, you may be talking too quickly, especially for older clientele. If you sound like you’re at an audition to be an auctioneer, you need to slow down.If you’re concerned that you’re talking too quickly during a call, listen back to recordings of your recent calls and practice slowing down. Record your greetings over and over again until you have a pace that’s just right.You want to spend plenty of time pronouncing each word and give yourself time to breathe as you speak to clients. That space also gives clients the ability to listen and ask or answer questions as they arise.

2. Use Empathy And Reassurance

Another commonly missed opportunity is empathy. Many callers will start by telling the CSR their “why” for calling — the problem that they’re seeking a solution for. Oftentimes, the response of many CSRs to that vulnerability is: “Can I get your address please?”, “Have we ever been there before?” or “How long has this been happening?”What should be said instead is, “I understand how frustrating that is. You have called the right place. I will be happy to help you get that issue resolved.”Providing a moment of empathy and reassurance for your customers greatly helps the client feel at ease as they are likely distressed by whatever issue they have going on in their home. A helpful trick to building empathy is to imagine if you were in the same situation.Let’s say you get home from work and your kitchen sink is clogged, or your toilet isn’t working and you have to reach out to call a company. You wouldn’t want them to rush you off the phone or simply meet your anxiety with the next line of their script.Respond to your caller with the empathy you’d like to hear if you were in their situation. You might be surprised how far this sentiment goes to earning trust!

3. Get The Caller’s Name

One of the most difficult habits to break is to stop thinking of the clients by their addresses and to start thinking of the clients by name. We recommend you ask for the name right away in the call process.People love to hear their own names and are very comforted to know that they are not just another service call. The earlier in the call you can get their name, the more opportunity you will have to use it.This will not only help you build a relationship with your client, but it will also ensure that you make the best possible first impression every time.

Professional Training For CSRs

By mastering these three skills, you will find that your clients will be much happier on the phone, and more willing to book an appointment. When you win in the first 30 seconds of the call, you are creating a client relationship that will be a win-win for everyone! Ready to hone your skills?Schedule your CSR training with Service Excellence and IGNITE THE POWER WITHIN!

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