


Can you be “sold”? For your own sake, I hope that you can be. Now hang on a second before you get mad. Hear me out, because I know most people don’t like the idea of “being sold.”

Before you say that you hate being sold, and that you can’t be sold, I would like you to imagine a scenario.

Imagine that the very first time you were sold something, the end result was amazing! It was a wonderful experience for you. You received more value than what you expected. You are super happy. The service after the sale was exceptional.

If you have a second opportunity to be sold, would you resist? Probably not.

And, if the second experience was amazing, and you are super happy; then you would want to be sold again, and again.

However, unfortunately that has probably not been your experience. You have probably had bad experiences with the sales process. Someone has taken advantage of you. Someone has given you less than your money’s worth. You’ve been made promises, and they haven’t been kept. [CONTINUE READING and WATCH VIDEO]

So, the term “being sold” is now the same as “being ripped off.” Nobody wants to be ripped off.

Why do I bring this to your attention? Because we teach communication skills. We teach sales skills. We teach sales professionals, and service technicians how to influence people. How to influence their clients for the better.

What we don’t teach, is how to rip people off. Nor do we teach our technicians how to take advantage of clients. We also don’t teach how to make promises you never intend to keep. So, in that sense, we don’t teach technicians how to “sell.”  RELATED:  Classroom Training for Techs and Salespeople

We do teach you how to influence your client for the good. We teach you how to improve your value, and to set yourself apart from the competition. When you hear us say that we teach “sales” and that we “turn learning into earning” that’s what we mean.

So if you want to learn positive influence and sales skills, then our sales class is for you.

We have helped thousands of service technicians and sales professionals represent themselves in the field with honor.

Chris Yanez is a perfect example. We trained him in our Sells process in January 2016, and by the mid-July he sold over $1 million in HVAC replacement.

Scott Putman is another great example. He did over $400,000 in plumbing service in 2015, and has set his goal to $500,000 for 2016.

Increasing your skills at sales is a good thing. It’s only a bad thing, if the person has a bad heart. I believe that you have a good heart, and I know that our sales trainers also have a good heart.

If you have a desire to increase your influence, boost your personal results, and change your life, then fill out the form below to discuss how our training programs can help you.  RELATED:  Classroom Training for Techs and Salespeople

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