
Be Courageous At Work

As a technician, it can feel overwhelming to approach a customer in the mindset of a salesperson. Even with the right tools and knowledge learned from training it can be difficult to put your thoughts into actions. So, why is it particularly hard for technicians to become effective salespeople? 

The DiSC Profile

The majority of technicians have an S or C personality profile. This simply means that their natural personality traits shine in consistent and reflective roles. As technicians these traits are absolutely beneficial to providing dependable and preventative services. 

As salespeople, the cautiousness that comes with an S or C personality can make it difficult to put the selling process into action. Their natural hesitation to try new things that have not been proven to work prevents them from troubleshooting their customer relation strategy effectively. 

Encouraging a technician, who’s core personality avoids the risk of failure at all costs, to repeatedly fail in their line of work seems counterproductive. But the only way to turn a good technician into a great salesperson as well is to help them grow past their fear.

Work Past Your Fear

The type of training that the coaches at Service Excellence provide is designed to acknowledge the different personality types and work in the best ways to grow from them. Though most technicians may be averse to failure on the job, we can help them use their training in real-world scenarios to desensitize them to failure. 

Our coaches say, “Courage comes from a willingness to try something new several times and fail until you get it right.”

Courage in the workplace doesn’t mean having a personality that’s unafraid in the first place. True courage means recognizing the fear of failure in yourself and choosing to try new techniques anyway. 

Get Technician Support

When you have the tools and the team supporting you, you’ll feel much more confident to break out of your mold. But even then, the fear of failure must be faced every single day. Your skills as a technician should be highlighted by your ability to sell. They need to work hand in hand, not against each other.

If you’re a good technician who feels like fear of failure is part of your daily work life, we can help you. Service Excellence will IGNITE THE POWER WITHIN you and allow you to fight your fear with true courage in the workplace.

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