In life, attitude is a key component to success inside an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company. The way that we think about our work, our personal mission, and ourselves plays a major part in the actions that we ultimately display inside our independent contracting company and to our clients. Having the ability to control our attitude is a skill that may not always be the most enjoyable to acquire but it is a skill that will always benefit us in the long run and bring success. Attitude is the aroma of the heart and when we display our attitude whether one of success or one of failure, we show our independent contracting company team and our clients who we are on the inside.
In the brief video below, Tom Hopkins says; “attitude is everything in selling.” So what is our attitude made up of and how does it affect our ability to sell with success?
A positive and constructive attitude increases our ability to interact with clients and improves our ability to sell our independent contracting company, service, and products. The two major parts that make up our attitude are enthusiasm and conviction. When these two parts positively and passionately mesh, we build an attitude that is geared toward success:
This is your excitement and passion. It is important to remember that when working face-to-face with potential clients, they will subconsciously replicate the enthusiasm that you display. If you’re calm and confident they will portray a calmer demeanor but if you’re nervous or move too quickly through the sale process then they will display uptight behavior. It’s truly a delicate balance. Being overly eager can drive a customer away but not possessing enough enthusiasm can cause a customer to be uninterested. Your actions and attitude have amazing power and influence during a sale or service call. Controlling your attitude helps you control your actions. When a positive attitude and the right amount of enthusiasm are transmits to a customer, it helps improve their mental attitude and builds rapport.
This is what you believe and the way that you convey your beliefs. When you believe in the mission of your independent contracting company and you truly believe that your company’s service and people are of the highest standard of excellence then your conviction will be easily displayed to a homeowner. Customers know when you believe in the product or service you’re selling but they can also tell if you don’t. When you’re explaining a repair or going over options, homeowners want to see that you believe in your products, unique service excellence, and they want to know that your recommendations will fix their problems. Displaying your honest conviction throughout the entire sale or service process shows customers that they have picked the right service company. It also indicates that you’re a knowledgeable and confident technician that will find the solution to their problem with success.
But how do we possess a positive attitude made up of the right mixture of enthusiasm and conviction? Tom Hopkins says that we have to perform daily “mental psych-ups ” which are basically personal encouragement sessions. By feeding our minds encouraging and uplifting thoughts it allows us to rid ourselves of negativity and discouragement. Here are two of the steps Tom Hopkins gives us about the “mental psych-up” process:
-Let go of the Past- It can be easy to relate a past failure to a present situation but when we do this we are embracing defeat rather than success. It is important that we learn that past failures are learning experiences rather than setbacks. When we choose to let go of our bad past experiences we bring positive energy to the present moment rather than negativity. Tom Hopkins says that it is vital that we continually tell ourselves; “I will live in the present moment.”
-Live in the Present- When we choose to live in the present moment we have the mindset that we need to properly and successfully address the issues revolving around our current situation. We can always use helpful insights and lessons from past experiences. However, it is important to approach every situation from a fresh standpoint and know that you have the experience, skills, and resources that you need to be successful in the present moment.
It is vital that we embrace a positive attitude because our attitude affects our mindset and our mindset affects our words and our actions. Here at Service Excellence Training, we have tools that help you and your team build an attitude and outlook of success. Let us walk with your team through this growing process and let us be a resource of encouragement and guidance. Thank you for following our weekly posts. Here at Service Excellence Training we turn learning into earning!
-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training.