
ATP 003 – The Buyer’s Quadrant

The Buyer’s Quadrant identifies how a person likes to buy goods and services.

The Buyer's Quadrant

In this podcast, we are going to explore the methods of selling client’s the way the like to be sold.  These are great tips for anyone in the residential contracting trades as a:

  • Plumber
  • Electrician
  • HVAC Technician
  • HVAC Salesperson
The Podcast Notes are taken from The Accountability Training Series Program 

The Accountability Training Program offers personalized training programs designed to increase your:

  • Average Sale
  • Tech Generated Leads
  • Service Agreement Conversion
Momentum Builder

Albert Einstein

Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

You are a genius.  Other people can not do what you do!  Let that motivate you to live life like a genius.

The 4 Buying Types
  1. The RELATIONSHIP Buyer:  This person prefers to get to know you BEFORE work begins.
  2. The TASK Buyer:  This person prefers to get to know you AFTER work begins.
  3. The FAST PACED Buyer:  This person talks, and makes decisions FAST.   They do not like to wait.
  4. The SLOW PACED Buyer:  This person talks, and makes decisions SLOW.   They like to think and take their time.
The 4 Buying Quadrants


  • Likes to talk about family, friends, activities, and other personal information.
  • Appreciates your taking the tome to develop a personal relationship of a business “friendship”.
  • Likes to be given information verbally—preferably face-to-face.
  • Doesn’t like to be pushed into making a quick decision.


  • Likes to tell stories based on personal experience.
  • Will take time to develop a personal relationship or a business “friendship” with you.
  • Doesn’t want a lot of detail—just key facts.
  • Tends to make decisions quickly based in large part on personal relationship.


  • Wants to get down to business quickly.
  • Is more interested in completing the transaction than in becoming your friend.
  • May ask lots of questions; you fell like you are being “grilled.”
  • Tends to make decisions quickly based on the facts—likes written summaries of key points.


  • Prefers to talk about the business situations at hand rather than making small talk.
  • Likes to have lots of back-up data.
  • Doesn’t like to be pushed into making quick decisions.
  • Tends to analyze all the details before making a decision.



The PRESS PLAY Training Series –


To Register call 512-333-4133 and Stacy will help you.  You can also REGISTER ONLINE.

  • The Tech Series – Houston, TX – March 18th-20th
  • The CSR Series – Houston, TX  – March 18th-19th
  • The Sales Series – Houston, TX  – March 21st-22nd

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Also, feel free to give us some suggestions on what you would like to hear on future episodes.

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