
ATP 002 – Settling Client Anxieties

Anxiety can be one of the biggest reasons that your sales are suffering.  Your client buys purchases your services from your independent contracting company when they feel comfortable with you.

In this podcast, we are going to explore the methods to settling client anxieties.  These are great tips for anyone in the residential contracting trades inside their independent contracting companies as a:

  • Plumber
  • Electrician
  • HVAC Technician
  • HVAC Salesperson
The Podcast Notes are taken from the Service Excellence Training ‘s,  The PRESS PLAY Training Series Program 

The PRESS PLAY Training Program is a 3 Day Training Event designed to increase your:

  • Average Sale
  • Tech Generated Leads
  • Service Agreement Conversion
Pearl of Wisdom:

James 1: 5-7 “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.  He will not rebuke you for asking.  But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.  Do not waiver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.  Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.”

Wisdom is there for the taking. Let that motivate you to live a life of wisdom.

3 Points of Anxiety:

These are the same sources of anxiety that influence clients and and anyone else.  Learn how to settle client anxieties so that you can assist them in the decision making process.

  1. Can the plumber fix my problem?
  2. How long will this air conditioning technician take to make my repairs?
  3. How much will this electrician charge me for my repairs?

These client anxieties are settles by addressing each of these concerns using the following:

  1. A strong credibility statement
  2. A clear agenda
  3. Addressing pricing concerns up-front

The PRESS PLAY Training Series –

To Register call 512-333-4133 and Stacey will help you.  You can also REGISTER ONLINE.

  • The Tech Series – Houston, TX – March 18th-20th
  • The CSR Series – Houston, TX  – March 18th-19th
  • The Sales Series – Houston, TX  – March 21st-22nd

Questions, Comments, or Suggestions:

If you have a something to say, then leave it in the comment section below.

Also, feel free to give Service Excellence Training some suggestions on what you would like to hear on future episodes.

Let's put these Tips to good use

Grow your business with Service Excellence

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