
Andrew Hefner, HVAC Technician, gives testimonial on interactive training

What big idea will you and your team take from this training series:

“How to show value.”

Submitted in class – May 23, 2012


Andrew Hefner is a technician for an HVAC Independent Contracting Company called 72 Degrees Air Conditioning & Heating located in Hickory, NC.  Andrew was kind enough to provided the Service Excellence Training team with the wonderful video testimonial from above about his experience as a technician at Service Excellence Training’s classroom training event. As all seasoned technicians know, it so important for training to become repetition so that longterm learning and remembering can set in.  That is exactly what technician Andrew Hefner used the training series as– a good “refresher.”  After his experience at the training series, this is what Andrew had to say, “It’s a kickstart, I really recommend this for anybody in the field, even managers to help out their employees.  Very interactive and  it’s the best class I’ve ever taken so far.”

The entire Service Excellence Training team loves to hear their mangers, owners, technicians, CSRs, and dispatchers respond to their experience in our training series with passion like Andrew’s.  Here at Service Excellence Training, we strive to help you turn your learning into earning!

Andrew Hefner also provided the Service Excellence Training team with some great written answers about his experience at the training series.  These statements will explain the big idea that Andrew will take with him from this training series, the aspect that he liked most about this training series, and they will answer the question “Why should I use Service Excellence Training to train my team?” for HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Sales, Service, CSR, and Dispatcher Training.

What big idea will you and your team take from this training series:

“How to show value.”

What did you like most about this training series:

“The entire presentation.”

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