
A “Thank You” note is a treasure to be kept

A hand written “Thank You” note has got to be worth its’ weight in gold!  In my career, I have kept almost every hand written note that I have every received.  They are so special to me!  The thank you note doesn’t even have to have money in it, but it helps :)!

You should incorporate hand written thank you notes as a tool that shows gratitude and motivates your HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company team.  Here are some tips that can help you craft your next masterpiece to one of your independent contracting company team members:

1.  Be sincere.  Don’t give out a bunch of hand written thank you notes just because you have become motivated to do so.  Be sincere in the reason you are giving the thank you note.  The sincerity will flow through your pen, and the reader will see it for what it is.  WARNING:  If you are not sincere, then the reader will know that too!

2.  Be specific.  When you write your thank you letter, be sure to refer to real instances.  If an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company team member went the extra-mile, then be sure to name the road they traveled.


Thank you so much for helping Mrs. Jones at 3 AM!  Wow!  You are an awesome warrior for service.  I know you could have just put a Band-Aid on the problem and schedule to come back the next day, but you didn’t.  You stayed and finished the job to completion.  You are a champion in my book!

Please know that your effort has not gone unnoticed.  I want you to enjoy dinner on me this week.  It is a small token of my appreciation.

We are blessed to have you!



3.  Give a gift.  This isn’t always necessary.  Your sincere words mean more than a cheap gift, but if you are not good at sincere words then give a really expensive gift!  (That’s what my wife told me anyway.)

Those are 3 really good ideas that can supercharge your HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company team.

Todd Liles, Terry Barrett, Service Excellence Training, contractor selling technicians, contractor sales training, hvac sales training, electrical sales training, plumbing sales training, plumber, plumb, heating, furnace, air conditioner, electrician, electrical, service contractor, contractor, tech sales training, hvac, plumbing

-Resource curated by Todd Liles of Service Excellence Training.

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