
5 critical sales lessons learned by keeping your word

5 critical sales lessons learned by keeping your word

Sales lessons are learned in many ways.  Sometimes they come at a cost, sometimes they are free.  On Monday,  I had the opportunity to fill our sales training class that starts November 10th-12th.  Oh, and I really wanted to fill the program.  I love it when any of our programs sell out.   But, I couldn’t do it.  I had to say “no.”

Not only did I say “no” to filling the sales training class, but I said “no” to over selling it by an extra student in the program!

Why would you say “no” to another student?

The answer to that question is in the promise that I made to the other 13 students.

See, I have given my word that I will not take any more than 15 students in our PRESS PLAY for Sale Training Programs.  So, when the HVAC business owner ask me if he could attend with 2 other people.  I wanted to say “yes,” but I couldn’t.  Doing that would break a promise to the 13 in the program, and to you!

I’m ok with passing on this opportunity, because of the sales lessons I have learned from similar experiences.

5 critical sales lessons learned by keeping your word

  1. Never break your word.  Your reputation is more valuable than a few dollars.
  2. Short term gain is not worth long term damage.  The damage that comes from going against your word is never worth the temporary pleasure.
  3. There is power in the limited offer.  Breaking your word removes the power from your limited offers.
  4. People are watching.  What you do next will determine your leadership.  Your leadership will determine what your people do when it’s their turn to keep their word.
  5. Personal promises make a great closing statement.  A personal commitment to keeping your word creates the strongest closes in any sales situation.

What sales lessons have you learned from keeping your word?

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