
4 Reasons Why Plumbers and Techs Hate Residential Service Agreements

Techs and plumbers hate residential service agreements. Owners and managers love residential service agreements.

Disagreement over service agreements is common. Most of these disagreements are polite and pointless.

Owner: “Why are you not getting more service agreements?”

Tech: “I’ll get more this week boss.”

Often, it’s not what is said that’s important. It’s what goes unsaid.

You deserve to know what’s inside the technician’s thought process. That way, you can work towards a good solution for both of you.

The 4 Reasons Techs and Plumbers Hate Residential Service Agreements

#1 – Selling a Residential Service Agreement is Time Consuming

“You want me to sell a service agreement? Is it not enough that I have to spend two hours trying to convince the homeowner to repair his air conditioner? You also want me to do a whole house inspection on every call? To top it all off, you now want me to sell a service agreement? I’ll be there all day!”

#2 – Service Agreements Reduce the Average Ticket

“I really don’t understand you. You push for me to have a good average ticket on my plumbing calls, and then you make me give this discount. Tell me again why this is good?”

#3 – Techs Hate How Service Agreements Makes Them Feel Like Salesmen

“If I have to push one more thing on a client, I’m going to go crazy! I just want to fix problems, not sell stuff all the time.”

#4 – Most Service Agreements Are Too Complicated.

“I don’t understand this crap! Why can’t they just make it simple? What is with this ‘bank reserve’ thing? Is this a maintenance program, or is it a Sam’s Club Membership?”

These are just four inside thoughts that techs have about residential service agreements. Don’t believe these thoughts are exclusive to “bad techs,” because they’re not.

Those 4 thoughts come directly from top producers! Think of plumbers who are doing over $50,000 a month, and HVAC techs who are selling and servicing over $100,000 a month.

So that leads to the question:

“Is there a solution? Can techs be successful, and learn to love service agreements?”

The answer is “Yes,” and our classroom training for service techs is the solution.

This isn’t an empty claim. We’ve actually proved it.

Richard Saxton (a service plumber from Steve’s Plumbing in Edmonds, Washington) won the award for most service agreements sold in a single year for 2013. This award was from an independent organization for plumbing contractors. Richard (and Steve’s Plumbing) has exclusively used our training system for the last year and a half.

If you would like to turn hate into love and explode your service agreement numbers, then register for the next PRESS PLAY Training for Techs in Austin, TX.

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