

Today’s my 38th birthday.  I’ve been contemplating this last year, and what it has meant to me.   I’ve decided to walk through a few points, and share them here with you.

Just to set the stage, I wrote this at a coffee house.  My preferred coffee is a simple brewed coffee.  I like a touch of cream, and just a few shakes of sugar.  I don’t need my drink to be fancy.  Yet, I want the base of my coffee to be really good.  A high quality bean that is expertly roasted.  That is a great analogy to my life.

My life is built upon a good base.  It’s a solid one that has allowed me to weather the very turbulent year that was 37 for me.

In my 37th year; I lost my mom, my dad had a heart attack, I had a major surgery, I bought a new home, was asked to be an elder in the church, and added 3 new team members to the SET Team.  You can read more about the loss of my mom here, and how it effected me:  When life knocks you down.

But what about now?  Now, I’m 38.  How’s the State of Todd?

It’s good.  It’s real good.

From a family perspective

I’m still married to the first lady I said “I do” to, and we have 2 great kids.  That is something I’m very thankful for.  Shannon and I are like any married couple that has stuck together.

We love each other deeply, and don’t always like each other.

We get that marriage is hard work, and a daily commitment to each other.  I think we both excel at this marriage thing.

Actually, Shannon is a big reason why I’ve been able to weather such a great and terrible time of 37.  She always has my back, is incredibly long suffering.  She is the wifely equivalent of Job.

How about the kiddos?  I’ve always been super close to Willa.  Our relationship was instant and easy.  Not so much with Everett.  He was a momma’s boy from the start.  That will probably never change, but, Eman and I have been really bonding this last couple of months!

My health

Is much better!  I tore my bicep off the bone 6 months ago.  That was no fun, but it wasn’t the major health issue I was facing.  My major issue was my mental health.  After I lost my mom, I was depressed, and then numb.  For a long time I didn’t feel anything too deeply.

Grief forms a buffer in your emotions.  It’s selfish.  It only wants you to feel for it, and not for the other areas in your life.

Thankfully, I’m almost through it.  I still get sad about my mom, but I can make it through the song “You’re not there” without completely breaking down.

My spirit

Is strengthening with my health.


I’m good.  This is an area I don’t spend a lot of time talking to you about.  Why?  Because I want my finances to serve as an inspiration to folks, not a barrier.  Everyone’s perspective on “wealth” is different.

Some techs may look at my earnings and think, “He’s lost touch.”

Some business owners may look at my earning and think, “He’s not a real player.”

Here’s what you need to know about my finances.  I control my money.  It is my servant, and it does my will.  It is not my master.

From a social perspective

I have one of the strongest support groups I’ve ever had in my life.  Our family has been in a Promise Group for the last 5 years.  We have built life-long friends in this group.  It has become a pivotal place for us, and we love the people that are in our Promise Family!

I’m also making ground in an area that is important to me socially:

The Area of Disagree, and Still Respect

I feel like people should be able to disagree with each other, and still treat each other with respect.

I believe I do this with intention, and that I’m good in this area. I will keep working to do better in this area, because I want to win people over.  Not push them away.

Service Excellence Training is growing

It is stretching my abilities as a leader, and is forcing me to grow out of my comfort zone.  And, it is doing the same thing to the other members on our team.  And, that’s how I know it is healthy.

It has become big enough to allow others to see their vision inside of my vision.

And my vision has become very clear for the next 3 years.   I can see where SET is heading over the next 3 years, and what we need to do to get there.   That vision isn’t for public consumption yet, but I will share it with you when the moment is right.  I will let you know that you are in it!

The last area is that of my mind.

The part of my being that is creative and aware.  I’m primed for new Intellectual Achievements for my 38th year.

I’ve never bought into the belief that “the young are so much smarter than the old.”  I think the people that make those statements are the ones that quit learning somewhere along the way.

Now, the young may have a faster working brain than the old. Their thoughts my come to them faster, but the old have the advantage of life.

I plan on becoming wiser in my 38th year.  I plan on becoming more of who I’m meant to be.

In my 38th year, I’m reminded of one of my favorite Pearls of Wisdom.

Teach me to number my days, so that I may gain a heart of wisdom.

I know that my years, and days are limited.  It is this knowledge that keeps me focused on the good of life, and guides me to wisdom.

Want to give me a Birthday Gift?  Then share with me your best Pearl of Wisdom on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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