
3 Strategies to Handle a Price Shopper

We have all had those calls. The first thing the caller asks is “how much is your service call?” or “how much is a water heater?”

Many CSRs do not know how to handle those calls or what to say to turn that price shopper into a client.

Here are three strategies you can try out to turn a price shopper into a loyal client.

1) Acknowledge and Ignore

This strategy is one I have used for years. Although one of the CSRs in my class called it “acknowledge and ignore”, it’s pretty clever. The key to this strategy is to let the caller know you hear and understand their question, then sidestep into building value before you answer.


“Ms. Smith, I can absolutely let you know about our service call.”


“At Service Excellence Plumbing, our fully licensed and insured plumber will arrive in a fully stocked truck. He/she will perform a 14-point full home plumbing inspection to make sure he is finding not only the cause of your problem today but any other factors that may be impacting your homes plumbing system. Once he is finished he will sit down to review is finding and recommendations, as well as your options. We use flat rate pricing, so you will know the investment before you approve any repairs. All of that is for only “$69.” Would this afternoon between 2-4 Work for you?

2) Feel/ Felt/ Found

This is also a very useful strategy to overcome price shoppers. Here is how it works. First, you empathize with how they feel. Then you let them know others have felt that way too. Finally your explain what the other found after experiencing how you work.

“Ms. Smith, I understand that you feel a ballpark price would be good information. Many of our other clients felt that way too. However, they found after Service Excellence Electrical did their evaluation and testing, they were provided with more information and has the tools to make the right decision for their home.  Plus before we do any work, our electrician will review your options and his recommendations as well as the investment.

3) Technical two-step

This is a useful tool for callers who want a price over the phone for something that requires testing or measurement.

I call it the “Technical Two Step” because it’s kind of like a dance. This is used when you have already explained the process your company uses but then insist on a “ball-park.”

“Ms. Smith, I understand why a ballpark would be important to you. However, at Service Excellence Heating and Air, we believe in following the international builders’ code which is the law. It states that a load calculation like the manual j must be performed. The reason is that every home is unique and square feet alone does not dictate what the proper size of equipment is. Any price I gave you as a ballpark would just be a guess, and at Service Excellence, we don’t guess we test.”

Hopefully, you will try out these three strategies. I know they will help you convert more price shoppers into loyal clients. Remember that every call counts!

If you would like to talk to me about how to turn more callers into clients fill out the form below.

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