
3 Attainable Traits of the Highest Producers

3 Attainable Traits of the Highest Producers

The best in the world all share some common traits.  When you apply these same traits, you can get similar results.

This is why Top Producers are studied so closely.

At a recent international contractor event, Steve’s Plumbing of Seattle Washington had 3 of his 4 guys honored for top results!  His guys were recognized for the following results:

  • #1 in Service Agreements with over 150 agreements – Mike Adamson
  • #1 in Biological Drain Products with over 312 units – Kris Jones
  • #1 in Repipes at over $180,ooo – Will Taylor

As a whole, the results are impressive!  CLICK HERE TO SEE AN INFOGRAPHIC

Steve’s team also scored several spots in the Top 5.   The guys at Steve’s Plumbing have 3 attainable traits that you too can have.

The 3 Attainable Traits of the Highest Producers

#1 – Clear goals

The team sets clear goals.  They went into 2014 with a personal plan for success.  That plan turned into 3 of the 4 guys taking #1 honors.  All of the 4 guys took honors in the top 5 positions in one category or another.

At the end of 2014, we set goals for 2015.  Today (March 16th) we re-evaluated the goals with the purpose of getting all 5 plumbers in a #1 or #2 spot.  (They added a team member since 2014).  As of this morning, 4 of the guys are on track to be in the top 5.  Richard Saxton and Mike Adamson are on track to shatter the #1 records in Revenue and Service Agreements.

You can easily set your goals for 2015 right now!  It is not too late.

#2 – Priced Properly

Great teams earn what they are worth.  You will never earn what you are worth if you are not priced properly.

Proper pricing is in the grasp of every person that is reading this post.  It is a simple decision to be priced where you need to be in order to win.

Without proper pricing, you are destined to failure.

#3 – Train using the Service Excellence Training PRESS PLAY System

You train because you are looking for results.  The PRESS PLAY Training System gets massive results!

This is not just opinion, but fact!

We have proven time and time again that we get results.  These results are seen in the lives of the techs, salespeople, and managers we train.

These results are also seen on the top and bottomline.

You too can have the best available to you!

There is nothing that is stopping you from training with the us, but you!

Find out why Top Franchises, Independent Business Owners, Small Teams, Large Teams, and Industry Thought Leaders are choosing PRESS PLAY – CLICK HERE

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