
10 Great Sales and Closing Lessons to Boost Your Results

Chris Loudermilk and Chris Elmore bring you 10 Great Sales and Closing Lessons.  From the Holiday Objection “I will call you back after Christmas”, to “I did not budget for this and I have to buy presents for the kids”, Elmore and Loudermilk will unpack 10 great Lessons to Boost Your Results. RELATED: Sales Training for Service Professionals

The video is 32 minutes long and you can watch all of it, or go to the sections that you are interested in.

The Training Video

Topic one: How the holiday objection is like Uncle Eddy from Christmas Vacation: at 52 seconds in.

They show up when you do not expect them, they are not welcome, and they are always more trouble than any other objection during the year.

  • Pro-Tip: Avoid talking about the holidays.

Topic two: Heart-string objection- “Have to buy Sally a Barbie Dream House”: at minute 3:22.

Use the LEAP method to overcome the objection, and make sure you understand if there is really an objection or a condition.

  • Pro-Tip: Do not give in to the objection. Dig-in to understand what the objection means
  • Pro-Tip: Talk about financing early and often.

Topic three: DISC Profiles to overcome objections: at minute 7:30.

Know the personality of the client, and handle the objection based on how they make decisions.

  • Pro-Tip: Offer a solution based on how the homeowner communicates, not how you communicate.

Topic four: Viewer Question 1: at minute 9:10.

“What is considered an ideal close rate for a premium contractor (after the advisor has left the home and the homeowner has received multiple bids)?”

After you leave the house, the close rate drops significantly. Be aware that when you walk out the door the emotion is gone and the consumer is probably only looking at the bottom line.

  • Pro-Tip: Use the one call close.

Topic Five: Layers of objection: answer at 11:15.

When a homeowner is tossing out one objection after another, there is something that you might be doing that you need to change in your process to eliminate those objections before they occur. Multiple objections may mean a lack of trust, or a lack of understanding.

  • Pro-Tip: Use the “other than” question to isolate other objections during the A in Leap. This will identify other underlying concerns.
  • Pro-Tip: It is okay to ask the homeowner if you left any information out that they need to make a decision.

Topic Six: What happens when a call goes from closing to, “I need to think about it”?: at minute 15:20.

Use the true cost calculator, and show the cost of doing nothing. The true cost calculator helps build value in the replacement vs the repair.

  • Pro-Tip:  The front porch close will help homeowners have time to discuss without you in the room, but while you are still in the home. More at minute 19.
  • Pro-Tip: Let your customers know about price increases in the industry. More at minute 20:26.

Topic seven: How to know when you are giving too much information to close the call?: at minute 18:25.

Figure out the personality profile. Make sure you are communicating in the way that the homeowner needs to make their decision.

  • Pro-tip: Watch body language for cues that the homeowner is disengaged.

Topic eight: Guarantees and Warranties: at minute 22:33.

If you have a 100% satisfaction guarantee at your company, it makes an easy close. Use your guarantees and warranties as a value builder. 

  • Pro-Tip: Ask logical questions about what the customer can expect from your guarantees and warranties.

Topic nine: Five steps to closing the sale: at minute 26.

Step 1: Get to know the homeowner

Step 2: Figure out what is important

Step 3: Educate in terms they understand

Step 4: Offer options

Step 5: Help guide to them to the right decision for them

  • Pro-tip: Use metaphors to educate the homeowner.
  • Use the DISC profile to walk a client through the 5 steps.

Topic Ten: SEER only vs Benefits of a properly installed system: at minute 30:40.

Focus on the importance of the installation. If a system is not installed correctly it will not meet the SEER rating. Focus on what your company does better than the competition.

  • Pro-Tip: Use a load calculation and build value in what it is important, and why it is important.

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